lifestyles Be protected
Dreaming of being protected
lifestyles secret
Dream of a secret
lifestyles Gold teeth
Dreaming of gold-set teeth
lifestyles Lurk and hide
Dream of lurking and hiding
lifestyles request
Dream request
lifestyles Rescue and liberate
Dream of liberation
lifestyles aura
Dream of halo
lifestyles young
Dream of being young
lifestyles family
Dream of family
lifestyles forgive
Dream of forgiveness
lifestyles Adopt (a child)
Dream of adopting
lifestyles morality
Dream of virtue
lifestyles age
Dream of age
lifestyles Let out a secret
Dream of leaking secrets
lifestyles Say goodbye
Dream of saying goodbye
lifestyles expel
Dream of expulsion
lifestyles Special function
Dream of psychic powers
lifestyles Rich and wealthy
Dream of being rich
lifestyles apologize
Dream of apologizing
lifestyles Brightly lit
Dreaming of bright lights