maneuver crawl
Dream of crawling
maneuver Jumping
Dream of jumping
maneuver Squeeze one's neck
Dream of choking
maneuver strike
Dream of beating someone
maneuver Festival parade
Dreaming of a holiday parade
maneuver Travel travel
Dreaming of travel Travel
maneuver MUSICIANS
Dream of music
maneuver sing
Dream of singing
maneuver drama
Dream of drama
maneuver A mime puppet show
Dreaming of a mime puppet show
maneuver Dance
Dream of dancing
maneuver TV movie
Dream of TV movies
maneuver Movie watch movie
Dreaming of movies watching movies
maneuver Play chess
Dream of playing chess
maneuver Play the piano
Dream of playing the piano
maneuver riddles
Dreaming of riddles and riddles
maneuver Play chess
Dream of playing chess
maneuver Play cards
Dream of playing cards
maneuver Game play
Dream of playing games
maneuver Play cards
Dream of playing cards