wash dirty dishes
Dreaming of washing dirty bowls, get this dream is the five elements of the main gold, gold and earth together, the cause of more cooperation with others to succeed, if you desire to cause a long time, you can not be all in one's thoughts, the fall dream of auspicious, winter dream of inauspicious.
As the gold panning people get this dream more good things, Xinjin like panning, get this dream is the reason for good fortune, you and others in the cause of more long-term planning, career good things quite a lot, if you are annoyed with the cause, and others to communicate with before you can make a difference.
Engaged in technology, research and development and other related industries, career is not good, is your thinking too much ego, only to see the benefits of the moment but for the measurement of the future, the cause is unfavorable.If you are engaged in cell phone manufacturing, factory processing and other related industries, the cause of many unfavorable, and others in the small quarrels quite a lot, the annoyance is obvious, this is your personal ideas are confined, then the problem is more obvious.
Scholars get this dream in the winter, the academic situation is good, the results of the rapid progress, the gold list also.